We provide in-home services for the highest level of relaxation.
Combining our knowledge of the brain-body system and applying traditional massage applications you can expect a wonderful blend of therapeutic work with a relaxing feel. Addressing tension headaches through craniosacral work; improving blood circulation through intentional massage strokes towards the heart; improving joint range of motion through joint mobilization and pin/stretching of the surrounding muscles; and decreasing stiffness through muscle relaxation are just a few benefits to receiving massage.
You can expect firm to medium pressure throughout your massage. We are always looking at the body’s subtle clues if we come across a tender area or need to adjust the pressure. You can expect to hear, “Do you need more, less or the same amount of pressure.” during your massage so we can get the best feedback on what you need. The massage is completed at a slower place to allow the nervous system to relax to allow our work to last longer.
Adults can also benefit from Musgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI). MNRI has been known to help improve coordination, decrease stress and help with past traumatic events without talk therapy. By providing specific proprioceptive input to the sensory system, we can “reprogram” the nervous system into a more efficient way of functioning. Click here for more MNRI information.